To be a music fan

På engelskan ska jag hålla ett tal, jag tänker hålla ett tal om fans, och varför musik är så viktigt för vissa. Så här kommer ett av många utkast. Och när jag försökte hitta passande bilder hittade jag två av Rosas bilder. Jag tänkte att jag är fräck och lånar en av dom. Tack Rosa. Den första bilden har dock jag tagit. Tack till alla "statister". Höhö.

To be a fan

Next week my favourite band will release their greatest hits album, witch will be the last thing they do. I am a big fan to them; to The Ark. 8 of December last year announce that they are going to break up. This year they will do their last tour.
Today I am going to tell you about what it’s like to be a fan and why music is so important to some people.

All of you know about The Beatles. During the sixties they were what everyone talked about, and they had obsessed fans all over the world. They couldn’t even go out of a car without a lot of screaming fans were around. Still some bands have fans that follow them all around the world. And we can ask us why, why do so many people get that interested in music? I think that we will find many answers to this question. The first is that they like the music, of course, but that’s not just it. They feel an affinity that they are a part of something, and it can be like a world that they can run away to, where no one can reach you.

As I said before I am a big fan to The Ark, and have been so for five years. Except that I as many others love their music, it’s like a big great family. We call our selves Angelheads and we got it from one of the songs on the first CD with the name Angelheads. It’s hard to explain what makes The Ark so special for me. It’s just music, there are a lot of music in the world, why just this band? Because that they can put words in what I feel and think, and because that their fans are just like me. The Ark and their Angelheads fight for the right to be you. Their music have given me so much, happiness, courage, friends and so many memories that I can’t even count.
When The Ark announced that they were going to break up I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t believe it. It was like a nightmare. But I and other Angelheads came through it, and now we are trying to find something good in it. We have one last year together, and the cohesion was better. Everyone was sad about it, and we tried to comfort each other.

If you are a fan to a band you have to deal with the haters. Haters are those who really hate the music and want to tell you that the whole time. And to this I really can’t find an answer to, why it is so important to tell why you don’t like it. It just hurts people. Music affects everyone. Some people are affected in a way that they can travel around the world just to see their band live in their hometown, while others are affected in a way that they must tell you that the music are crap.

Såå.. Vad tycker ni? Jag är inte direkt nöjd med det.. Lite ändringar kvar gissar jag

Postat av: Rosa

Hihi, vad glad jag blev när jag såg att du lånat den ;) Älskar den bilden!! :D

Tycker talet är bra, särskilt grejen om Beatles, det säger liksom så mycket!! Du har ju fått med en hel del olika delar genom hela talet. :) Om du vill ändra något kanske du kan förklara lite varför det känns så jobbigt att de lägger ner?

Lycka till!

2011-02-15 @ 02:02:35
Postat av: Elise

Men du, släng upp den på musikaliskalläter också ;)

2011-02-15 @ 12:01:56

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